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CAMS garden is bountiful and helped the Botetourt Food Pantry

Courtney May, the Art teacher at Central Academy Middle School and her children Sadie and Cylas went to the CAMS garden recently and picked vegetables. The CAMS Agriculture teacher Jennifer Hannah works along side with her students and May’s Art students during the school year. They have been maintaining a garden area for the past several years and prior to the end of school had planted the garden for summer.

The garden consists of a variety of good, nutritious edibles. They are crimson radishes, tomatoes, basil, cucumbers, cantaloupes, and zucchini. The plants are lush and full. A garden that not only looks healthy, but provides healthy fresh foods for the less fortunate.

May said, “When I picked some of our crop, our bounty was plentiful enough that I was able to donate to the Botetourt Food Pantry at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Fincastle. It feels great knowing we are giving back to the community. One of our goals was to provide fresh produce for the food pantry.”

So a big cheer for all of the students who set the garden in motion, for the forward thinking of CAMS administration and teachers, and the helpful hands of the many students who have taken part in the endeavor in both semesters,and for May and her family tending the garden during the summer. And most of all, the community spirit and caring coming from CAMS to all of the Botetourt citizens who need the fresh foods!

You rock!

–story by Cathy Benson, photos by Courtney May