School Board introduced to Journey to Greatness on July 11

The Botetourt County School Board welcomed Dr. Lisa Chen to the helm on Thursday July 11. Dr. Chen is the new school superintendent and is already making her mark. A new monthly report from to make the school division more transparent to the public premiered. It is called, “Journey to Greatness.” Click here to read it. Dr. Chen said, “This will Add transparency on what we do.”
There are six team reports in the Journey to Greatness. Just a preview, read it your selves, but a roof patch job on the entire top floor at Lord Botetourt has resulted thus far “in no leaks despite heavy rain,” noted Operations team leader Ben Irvin. Surely, a welcome report. Other reports came from Instruction, Technology, Human Resources, Nutrition and Transportation and Finance. They are headed up respectively by Dr. Janet Womack, Beth Allen, Jill Green, Chris Morris and Brandon Lee.
School Board clerk Betty Holland has stepped down and taken a job over at Cloverdale Elementary. She was honored for her 12 years as clerk. New Clerk of the Board is LuAnn Delosreyes.
Two new 10 passenger vans have arrived and are awaiting final touches to be used for picking up special education students. By not buying the yellow short buses, the division saved over $100,000. Students will be picked up in their driveways in the new vans rather than on the street at the driveway.
Marsh and McLennan Agency delivered the annual summary on the upcoming October health and dental plans. “The division is fortunate to only have a 2.6% increase in premiums,” said Collen Faunce from the company.
Teachers return August 1. The first day of school is August 8 and the next school board meeting is August 15.
–story and photo by Cathy Benson