
Housing Assessment and staffing changes at Botetourt Planning and Zoning

Click on links for blog posts. Today is a two for one special. We have TWO new blog posts up on the Comprehensive Plan blog!

Blog #1: Economic growth in 2016 spurred conversations about existing housing stock and future housing needs, leading to a Housing Assessment Study in Fall 2016 and a one-day Housing Summit, drawing in over 100 participants in early 2017. Since then, the County has been committed to supporting more housing options for current and future citizens. In 2017-2018, with funding from the Virginia Housing and Development Authority, the County began to explore tools and strategies to diversify housing stock, resulting in a newly published Housing Toolkit. Click HERE to read the blog post and access the toolkit.

Blog #2: The only constant in life is change. We have experienced some staffing changes, but rest assured that we are committed to updating the Comprehensive Plan. Click HERE to read the blog post.

submitted by Jerod Myers,Botetourt County Planning & Zoning