Happy Birthday! Earl Graham

Botetourt Folks — Earl Graham
They’re called the “greatest generation,” those men and women who dropped everything to go to war to defeat Germany and Japan in World War II. Recently the country has thrilled to the story of D Day, when thousands of troops advanced against steady German fire to liberate Europe. There were plenty of others who helped the full story along. One is a Botetourt resident, Earl Graham, now age 92. He enlisted in the US Navy at age 17. He gave up homework and school dances for full time work and danger. No, he didn’t have to carry a gun or shoot the enemy, but his ship was bombed.
So of course he rejoiced along with the rest of the world when he heard the D Day good news heading towards the eventual end of the war. When he was out of service, he picked up his life, joining thousands of GI’s heading back to school. In his case, back to high school. He’d never had the opportunity to finish.
He went on to a bomb free civilian life, working in appliance sales, married, and had children. Today he lives in Buchanan with his son-in-law Bill Sullivan and looks forward to his 94th birthday on June 26th. Yes, thank you Earl for your service, and happy birthday.
by Priscilla Richardson, the Botetourt Bee “Just Folks” Columnist