The Trip to Bountiful: Play Review

A Trip to Bountiful starts slowly, as many good trips do. At first you get to know Carrie
Watts (played ably by Nancy Lawrence), her devoted son Ludie (Kevin Bertholf), and impatient daughter-in -law (Peggey Rowland). Despite the opposition of this family, Carrie wants to go home again to Bountiful. Eluding them, she sneaks out to the bus station. It turns out she had just enough change for a ticket to a town nearby Bountiful. Two slight misadventures mark her way, one solved by a kind bus employee and the other by the local sheriff. Once she reaches Bountiful, Carrie learns some important things about her old home, her family and a redbird.
This is a play for the whole family, another notch in the list of director Cathy Henderson’s successes.
By Priscilla richardson Play reviews and Botetourt people columnist special to the Botetourt Bee.