How to Absentee vote in Botetourt for June 11 primary

Vote Absentee:
Who may vote absentee? Any registered voter who expects to be out of the county on election day or whose work hours prevent getting to the polls, or who cannot go to the polls because of a physical disability or illness, or who cannot go to the polls because of being the caretaker of a disabled family member who is unable to leave home.
How do I apply for an absentee ballot? Request an application for an absentee ballot from your registrar by phone or in writing or on-line at the State Board of Elections website ( The application can also be faxed. Applications that need be filed only once a year can be obtained for those with long-term illness or disability.
When can I apply for an absentee ballot? As early as 12 months before an election. If applying by mail, your application must be received by the registrar the Tuesday before the election. You can vote in person as soon as the absentee ballots are ready (usually 30-45 days before the election) and up to 4:30 pm on the Saturday before the election.
How can I vote an absentee ballot? Once you have received your ballot, follow the instructions enclosed with the ballot. Return it in the envelope provided to the Electoral Board by mail or in person to be received by the deadline of 7:00 pm election day.
If I become hospitalized shortly before the election, can I vote? Yes. If you are hospitalized on or after the Thursday before an election. Or if you go to the hospital in the two weeks before an election and your condition prevents you from requesting an application sooner than the Thursday before the election. Call your registrar for an emergency absentee ballot.
–Botetourt County Registrar voter pamphlet. Traci Clark, Voter Registrar