Please help find Itty Bit lost in N. Daleville/ Trinity area

Itty Bit was LOST on April 14, 2019 in Daleville, VA 24083
Ashley Plantation Near Charleston Pl & Magnolia Ln/ Trinity Road
Message from Owner: I found Itty bit in September coming out of the Food Lion in Daleville, VA peeking out of a storm drain on Route 220 about 9:00 pm. He was about 3 weeks old. We nursed him and he has become a huge part of our family. He has grown and is about 9 months old and has been indoors all of his life. I have not neutered him yet or microchipped which was a huge mistake!
We think he may have slipped out of the house on Sunday evening (April 14) but knew he was missing the morning of April 15. Please help us find him! We have been actively searching since Monday and have contacted Botetourt Animal Control and RCAPC.
Description: Domestic Long Haired cat with 4 white paws and a white patch on his neck. His color is tabby/tiger. Beautiful fluffy tail.
FB message/ messenger Cheryl Keen Tucker if you have seen this handsome kitty. Or contact the Botetourt Bee
submitted by Cheryl Keen Tucker Edited by Cathy Benson
UPDATE: 5/1/2019 We have had a Itty Bit sighting!!! He was seen in the woods behind Ashley Plantation and the Farm Bureau!!! off of 220 /Scarlet Dr. /Manassas Circle/Alabama Ct.
Please be on the look out!!!!