
Lt. Jeff Stritesky presented Identity Theft info for Glebe residents

Stritesky presented a power point on how to avoid Identy Theft to residents of The Glebe.

The Glebe in Daleville invited Lt. Jeff Stritesky of the Botetourt County Sheriff’s Dept to speak to residents about Identy Theft which is a major threat to all, but especially to Senior Citizens. Commonwealth’s Attorney John Alexander was along to speak to Drug Take Back Day.

Stritesky said, ” Often, scammers will target senior citizens and other vulnerable populations. In fact, the Senate Special Committee on Aging estimates that seniors lose over $2.9 billion annually from financial exploitation.”

He showed a power point on some of the areas Identity Theft occur, icluding email, mail and direct solicitation by phone and door to door where criminls try to dupe citizens.

He stated, “When in doubt, stop, and take time to check it out before supplying personal or financial information.”

Story and photo by Cathy Benson