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Students at School Board meeting April 11

We have previous posts about all of these groups that came to the School Board meeting on April 11.
Search the website for all three for the previous stories.

However, Blue Ridge Rep Scott Swortzel’s story about his Spelling Bee results as a youngster to the two champs was recieved about how it looks! They are Josiah Merchant of Eagle Rock Elementery and Maya Dorra of RMMS.

The Maker’s Faire kids from Cloverdale Elementery were very animted talking about their project. They participated at The Makers Faire at the Science Museum. We have a great video on our FB! Mrs. Boardwine with her first and second grade participants.

CAMS students gave a power point talk on their Art and Ag Ed collaboration in a terrific outdoor garden, and how it has benefitted the students with art projects and school grown vegetables! Pictured with Ms. Hannah and Mrs. May are Kaela Riddle, Emma Bobbitt and Jaden Kitt.

Always cool to see young people giving examples of how BCPS adds to their education experience.

Story and photos by Cathy Benson