
DSLCC publishes “What is your Story ?”

Whats’s your story

Story-Telling Event April 3 Celebrates DSLCC Book Publication

A story-telling event to celebrate the publication of a book that relates the impact of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College on the communities it serves will take place on Wednesday, April 3, at 6:30 pm in Moomaw Center on the DSLCC Clifton Forge campus.

“Dabney S. Lancaster Community College – Changing Lives and Strengthening Community” is the title of the book, which is a collection of stories told by more than 50 current and former students, faculty, staff and community members who have all been influenced by one of Virginia’s oldest community colleges. DSLCC, originally a branch of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (now Virginia Tech) in 1964, became part of the Virginia Community College System in 1967.

“The DSLCC community is cordially invited to this special event to share their memories—recent and long past—of Dabney S. Lancaster Community College,” says current President Dr. John Rainone. “With the publication of Volume Four of the ‘What’s Your Story?’ book series, we’re continuing to hear more stories of DSLCC, which figured largely in so many residents’ lives.”

Previous books published by the “What’s Your Story?” group were about the Historic Masonic Theatre, the C&O Railway Company, and Green Pastures, also known as the Longdale Recreation Area. The DSLCC book is the fourth in the WYS? series.

“This book is a collection of the reminiscences and experiences of over 50 people who influenced the College, as well as stories from those who were able to benefit from the College in some way,” notes Dr. Rainone. “The contributors share not only their pasts but also their hopes for the future of DSLCC.”

Recollections from all of DSLCC’s presidents, including founding president Dr. Don Puyear, who now lives in Arizona, as well as Dr. Jack Backels and Dr. Richard Teaff, appear in the book. Many other local notables were interviewed for the publication: George Kostel served in the Virginia General Assembly and was one of the legislators responsible for the creation of the Virginia Community College System. Helen Kostel was one of the founding members of the DSLCC Educational Foundation. Many more familiar names are featured.

The event will begin at 6:30 pm; books will be available for purchase,and light refreshments will be served.

“Come listen to some of the stories,” urges Dr. Rainone.  “Meet the storytellers—and become one yourself. Come be part of ‘Dabney S. Lancaster Community College – Changing Lives and Strengthening Community’. Tell your story. Celebrate the past, be part of the present, help shape our future!”

For more information, contact the DSLCC President’s Office at (540) 863-2824.

Judy Clark, Public Relations,Dabney S. Lancaster Community College