Librarian Steve Vest retires Feb 28

BOS Chairman Billy Martin reads proclamation to Vest.
Librarian Steve Vest, who is retiring on February 28 after more than 33 years of leading the county’s libraries into the 21st century, received a proclamation and a gold watch from the Board of Supervisors at the February 26 meeting. Vest came to the county when there were only two libraries, one in Fincastle and another in Buchanan, and a bookmobile. Under his leadership, the county built the Blue Ridge and Eagle Rock libraries and enlarged and remodeled the Buchanan and Fincastle libraries. The libraries today are utilized by many residents not only for checking out books but also for DVDs, Internet access, audiobooks, online learning, checking out telescopes and other items, and other innovative uses.
–Anita Firebaugh, special to The Botetourt Bee. Photo by Anita Firebaugh