On the Farm: FFA Week celebrated Feb 18-22

From the Alaska to Puerto Rico and the State of Maine to Hawaii, the National Future Farmers of America has been home to hundreds of thousands of young adults from sixth grade to twelfth grade. The organization strives to build the professional, leadership, and personal skills young agriculturalists will use to become the leaders of tomorrow. February 18th through the 22nd is the week of FFA week for 2019. This week always encompasses George Washington’s birthday and provides a week for FFA members to rejoice and truly celebrate this great organization. Botetourt county is home to two middle school and two high school organizations. I asked each chapter to provide a short synopsis of their plans for FFA week and what they look forward to the most.
Faith Settle, from Lord Botetourt reposted, “FFA Week is definitely the most exciting week out of the whole year. This year it’s the 18th-22nd. On the 18th, the FFA members are decorating the school and the State Officers are coming by for their trip around the state! On the 19th we’re having our officers wear personalized shirts and members wear our red chapter shirts, then we’re going to have community service at Troutville Park from 10-2. On the 20th we have Official Dress Day, and on the 21st we have camo and boots day! Finally, to finish our week we have our Teacher Appreciation Cookout, where we give back to our teachers and say thank you for everything they do.”
Bailey Marshall from James River reported. “Every year for FFA week, our chapter strives to boost comradely within our school and spread knowledge about FFA and agriculture as a whole. On Monday the 18th, our chapter plans to join our federation at Lord Botetourt High School to participate in workshops hosted by the Virginia FFA State Officers and fellowship with other chapters. On Tuesday, we will have officers in the front lobby handing out FFA week bracelets as students enter school that morning. Throughout the week we will do a trivia contest that gives students an opportunity to test their FFA/Ag knowledge for prizes. In addition, we will have designated spirit days to encourage FFA members to show their chapter pride”
Jennifer Hannah from Central Academy reported, “The CAMS FFA Chapter will be celebrating National FFA Week February 19-22, 2019. This year
the chapter has planned school-wide spirit days to give students a chance to dress up to show their support of our FFA chapter. FFA members will also be sharing FFA facts on the daily afternoon announcements. The chapter will host a guest speaker about careers that week. The chapter will collaborate with FBLA and FACS that week to sponsor a teacher appreciation luncheon prepared and served by the students as part of our FFA Week and National CTE Month celebration. The chapter will end the week with a meeting for fellowship and “Ag Olympics” games.”
Mrs. Amy Stevens from Read Mountain reported, “Our chapter has been gathering facts fro FFA week. We have been making posters and plan to give PSA’s on the intercom every morning throughout the week.”
Each chapter is excited to kick off the week this Monday! If you know any FFA members, wish them a happy FFA week. These students strive to be the best and truly work hard at everything they do.