
Veteran’s Day Ceremony at Troutville Elementary School

For 10 years Troutville Elementary School has honored area Veterans with an assembly at Veteran’s Day. On Friday 9, 48 Veterans were called up front for a medal ceremony. Music by the students and staff plus a short talk was offered by MC Curt Alderson on what men carried to war with them in Viet Nam based on a book by Tim O’ Brien, “The Things They Carried.”

Lee Minnix one of the organizers and a Troutville Sunshine Girl, read the names of those who had passed away since the inception of the event. Said Jack Cassell, WWII veteran who is in his 90s said, “This an emotional event.”

“One of the strengths of the program is that it links children with those who have served their country,” said Lee Minnix.

A flag waving song, Armed Forces Medley featuring soloist Michele Richardson and cards were components the children added to the program. Family members and interested members of the community came to the event.

We have a video on the Botetourt Bee Facebook page.


WWII vet Jack Cassell shakes hands with a cub scout.

Assembly of Veterans

Story and photos by Cathy Benson