
BCPS Special Ed Advisory info session is Oct. 23 at Cloverdale Elementary

The Botetourt County Public Schools Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is pleased to announce the first meeting of the school year.

When: October 23, 2018 @ 6:00 – 7:30pm
Where: Cloverdale Elementary School Library
What: My child was just found eligible for special
education. Now, what?

Please join us for an informational session on the next steps in the special education process after a child is found eligible for services. This session will include information on the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the important role parents have in this process. Included in this presentation is first-hand knowledge and experiences from a parent’s perspective.

The Botetourt County Special Education Advisory Committee functions to advise the school division of needs in the education of children with disabilities. In addition, the SEAC assists in the development of long-range plans, priorities and strategies for meeting the identified needs of children with disabilities. The SEAC is comprised of parents of students with disabilities, representatives of local agencies, community members and school representatives. The regular business meeting will take place prior to the presentation.

Special Education Advisory Committee meetings are open for public access. If you would like more information regarding your local SEAC, you may contact your child’s case manger at your school, Matthew Gouker, SEAC Chairperson, at, or Julie A. Baker, Supervisor of Special Education, at


–Submitted by Julie Baker, BCPS