Alexander makes Drug Court report at Dec. 19th Supervisors meeting

Commonwealth’s Attorney John Alexander reported to the Board of Supervisors on Dec. 19th that Botetourt’s Drug Court had it’s first graduate. He said, “This is not and easy program. An individual has to be dedicated to completing the program.”
He praised Blue Ridge Benhavorial Health Care for their support. They funded a position for Drug Court Director and have helped get a grant for the program.
He noted they have 11 current participamts in Drug Court. He added Drug Court saves money on local and state levels and ultimately saves lives.
He announced County Administrator Gary Larrowe’s Office helped Drug Court get a $45,000 grant from the Opiod Abatement Authority. Alexander told the Supervisors the biggest drug problem currently is Fentanyl.
–Cathy Benson, file photo