Dolly Parton Imagination Library Launch Celebration Event is Nov. 11at YMCA

Dolly Parton Imagination Library Launch Celebration Event
Nov. 11, Saturday at the Daleville YMCA 9:00 to 12:00 AM
Join us as we celebrate the successful launch of this new free book gifting program now available to any child under 5 years old in Botetourt County.
The Dolly Parton Imagination Library was initially opened for registration in August as part of a soft launch. “The enthusiastic response from the community has been amazing. In less than 6 months, the program has already enrolled half of our 5-year goal. This registration milestone represents the gift of reading to approximately 500 children. Every month a child will receive a book in the mail addressed personally to them. As Dolly says, ” you can never get enough books into the hands of enough children”. Through the Imagination Library, the Kiwanians want to help inspire a love of reading for a new generation of kids in our community.
Families with young children are welcome to join us to play games, enjoy story time reading, and grab snacks. Parents can learn more about the program at the event, while sipping free coffee! For new applicants, parents can register their child up at the event! For individuals wishing to help sustain the gifting of books, an online donation option will be introduced. For instance, a $25 donation will provide free books for one child in our community for one year. More information can be found at the Kiwanis Club of Botetourt County website
We may even have a celebrity sighting!