Buchanan Lions explain used eyeglass donations and local drop boxes are available

Since 1925, Lions International has been a champion in helping combat vision impairment and blindness. The Buchanan Lions Club has eye-glass donation boxes at First Bank locations, the Buchanan post office, the Library and at Solomon’s Mission.
But have you ever wondered where those donated eyeglasses go? We are lucky to have in our area the Lions Eyeglass Recycling Inc. on Oak Street in Roanoke.
Eye glasses are collected at that location are sorted, washed, prescriptions read, organized by prescription, and then sent out to a variety of organizations who provide them to those who need glasses, primarily internationally.
At the beginning of March, Buchanan Lions Shantelle Crouch, Danette Heinlein, and Jessie and Mike Burton made a trip to the Eyeglass recycling center where they volunteered time in the center tasks. Lion Shantelle spent time sorting glasses, Lion Danette loaded and unloaded the washers, and Lion’s Mike and Jesse read the prescriptions using specialized equipment and packaged them to be sent to needed locations.
Please contact Lion Mike or Lion Jessie Burton at 540-521-5438 if you have questions about the Lions sight programs.