
Buchanan Lions Club delivers to Eagle Rock students

Lions with Bomba socks at ERES

One of the purposes of the Lions clubs International is “to encourage service-minded people to serve their community without personal financial reward and to encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standards in commerce, industry, professions, public works and private endeavors.”

With this in mind, members of the Buchanan Lions Club have made an effort to support our local elementary schools.  We recently provided Bombas Socks to our local elementary schools.  Most recently Lion Pat Jasper, Lion Mike Burton and Lion Jessie Burton made a trip to Eagle Rock Elementary School where they delivered socks and underwear to School Nurse Mary Babbitt.  We have also delivered socks and underwear to Buchanan Elementary School.  Please contact Pat Jasper at 540 520-8076 if you are interested in learning more about the Buchanan Lions!

If you have questions about this article, you can contact Lion Danette at 540-323-3073 or Lion Pat at 540-520-8076

Lion Danette Heinlein