Bombas donated by Buchanan Lions Club to Colonial and Breckinridge

On Monday, January 30, the Buchanan Lions were happy to present 206 Bomba pairs of socks to Breckinridge Elementary School. Pictured below are Lions Shantelle Crouch and Jeanne Clark, presenting the socks to School Nurse, Christine Haxton. On Tuesday Jan. 31, The group made a trip to Colonial Elementary with a big donation featured here are Pat Jaster and Lisa Stump, presenting the socks to Tammy Riggs, school principal. Previously they donated socks to Buchanan Elementary.
So here’s a bit about the socks. Bombas has over 3,500 giving partners across the US. When a sock purchase is made by anyone or a group, a giving opportunity is generated by the company to spread the love to another person. These are nice, well made socks that make life a little better from the feet up! To read more,
From Danette Heinlein the Buchanan Lions Club contact, “As many of you may know, The Lions organization is an international organization, but as a local group, we are dedicated to the care of our community! ” They also help with diabetes info and sometimes medications for qualifying individuals.
You can contact theBuchanan Lions by contacting Lion Danette Heinlein via email at or 540.323.3073.
–Danette Heinlein and Cathy Benson