TAP Activities and News

We have some exciting things coming up at TAP this week:
- Tax Clinic volunteer recruitment – we are in urgent need of volunteers for our free tax clinic. We will hold a training kickoff in November and the last day to sign up is about 2 weeks from now on November 8th. We would appreciate any help getting the word out about this opportunity. Without volunteers the clinic cannot operate. To understand the impact of that we need only to look to the programs stats from the last fiscal year:
- TAP’s free tax clinic provided free income tax preparation to 521 households here in our area. The tax clinic is only available to folks who have a household income of less than $58,000. Of those households that were helped by TAP’s tax clinic, they claimed $411,105 of Earned Income Tax Credits.
- Find out more on our website here: https://tapintohope.org/event/tax-clinic-volunteer
- October 29 – from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. – Join our monthly youth event happening at Eureka Park in Roanoke. These events are designed to foster positive activities for our area young people and have a goal to curb violence. Find out more in the attached flyer.
If you have any questions or would like to set up an interview please let me know.
Sarah Reid
Creative Services Manager
Total Action for Progress