VDOT to hold meeting about International Parkway and Rt 220 at Greenfield Technology Park May 26

SALEM – The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) invites the public to attend a design public hearing for a project to improve traffic flow and safety by converting the intersection at Route 220 and Route 839/Route 1126 (International Parkway/Ashley Way) in Botetourt County to a restricted crossing U-turn (RCUT). The hearing will be held on Thursday, May 26, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Botetourt County Administration Office located at 57 S Center Drive in Daleville. The hearing will be held in an “open-house” format, and VDOT representatives will be present to answer questions. An RCUT is an innovative intersection that would eliminate left turns from Route 839 and Route 1126 onto Route 220 and eliminate through movements across Route 220. Motorists who currently turn left onto Route 220 or drive straight across would make right turns onto Route 220 and proceed to make a U-turn at a pair of new U-turn locations located approximately 650 feet north and south of the intersection. The project also includes modifying an existing crossover about 0.2 mile south of the intersection and adding a Route 220 pedestrian crossing. For more information about the project, visit the website. Comments about the project may be submitted at the meeting or until June 5, 2022, to Mr. Kelly Dunn, Project Manager, 731 Harrison Avenue, Salem, VA 24153. Comments may also be emailed to Kelly.Dunn@vdot.virginia.gov. Please reference “Route 220 at International Parkway Public Comment” in the subject heading. Anyone requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this meeting may contact Kelly Dunn at 540-387-5353, 800-367-7623 or TTY/TDD 711. |