Dominion Energy to give credits to customers for overcharges

Dominion customers to receive refunds from $1.1 billion in utility overcharges
2020 legislation from Del. Subramanyam closed accounting loophole
Richmond, VA— Dominion Energy Virginia customers will start receiving refund checks or credits on their bills. These refunds are the result of a State Corporation Commission (SCC) decision last November requiring Dominion Energy to refund over $330 million to consumers, an unprecedented decision made possible by the passage of 2020 consumer protection legislation, carried by Delegate Suhas Subramanyam (HB528). Del. Subramanyam’s statement on the Dominion refunds:
“Virginia households — which currently pay some of the highest energy bills in the country — are finally receiving some relief after being overcharged by $1.1 billion since 2017. I’m proud to have championed bipartisan consumer protection legislation that closed an accounting loophole and unlocked overdue customer refunds.”
“Every dollar counts for Virginans right now, but ratepayers are still owed a full payday. I urge my colleagues in the General Assembly and Gov. Youngkin to push for the reform needed to ensure a fair utility system and affordable energy bills for everyone in the Commonwealth.”
—-Anna McClean, Subramanyam staff