School Board says Masks will stay on until higher court rules

Botetourt County School Board Chooses to Continue Current COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts,
Including Wearing Masks While at School
The Botetourt County School Board will continue all current COVID-19 mitigation efforts,
including the requirement that students wear masks while at school. The board is basing this
decision on the following important considerations:
• Current data from the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts show the community
transmission rate in our area is the highest it has been since the beginning of the pandemic.
• Jillian Balow, the newly-appointed State Superintendent of Public Instruction, was tasked by
Governor Youngkin to issue guidance to school divisions relating to Executive Order No. 2.
At the time of this press release, this guidance has not yet been issued.
• The Supreme Court of Virginia has not yet ruled on whether Governor Youngkin’s Executive
Order No. 2 can overturn state law, specifically SB1303, and other federal guidance (see
Resources below).
Botetourt County Public Schools has a responsibility to offer in-person learning and make
decisions that safeguard the collective health of all individuals within our buildings. We know
that not everyone will agree with this decision, but ask for your understanding as we work to do
what we believe is in the best interests of our students, staff, and their families.
Mike Moser
Communications Specialist
Botetourt County Public Schools
• 01.15.22 Gov. Youngkin Executive Order #2
• BCPS Covid Information
• CDC Guidance for K-12 Schools
• Senate Bill 1303
• VOSH Workplace Standards
• OSHA Workplace Guidelines
• Federal Public Health Order
• VDH: Community Transmission Data
• RCAHD: Local Data & Resources