
Covid on rise in Botetourt since Thanksgiving from RCAHD

State of the Pandemic: I wanted to drop a few graphs from the VDH website showing the current cases and vaccine info for Botetourt. Cases are going up – you can see how the Delta variant really caused a spike in early Oct and cases dropped some and then have already started to accelerate from Thanksgiving. 

Overall, the vaccine rate is *awesome* – so close to that 80% goal! You can see our not-yet-vaccinated group is largely 25 – 54. Those are the folks to talk with and share info. 

Which leads me to my next item….
Local Clinics:We are back at the Botetourt YMCA on Fri 12/10with kids doses. The Y is also offering free child-care for any family that needs it while getting vaccinated *and* a free day pass for first doses. It’s a great opportunity for working families to swing by. 
And coming up at the end of the month, we’re at Fincastle Baptist on 12/29 from 3pm to 6:30pm.[flyers are attached & events are on social media – please share widely!] 

Testing: Botetourt Libraries still have at-home testing kits. Pick one up and test before an event or save incase of sniffles! More drive through events are also being scheduled
And last but really at the top of everyone’s mind … 
OMICRON:This is one of those moments where more news will not help; small-scale studies and anecdotes make great headlines and terrible health advice. Mostly, we don’t know much about this variant. A few trends are starting to show: it is very contagious and might be resistant to natural immunity [it has not been shown to resist vaccinated immunity]. We will have more answers in a few weeks; check out the CDC’s page for verified news
In the meantime, keep layering protection with just a few steps: 1. Get vaccinated and boosted. Don’t wait on an ‘omicron booster’ – current vaccines are still showing that they prevent severe disease.2. Mask when indoors or within 6ft. Masking works against all known variants!3. Wash your hands and avoid touching your face. 4. Keep gatherings small and emphasize testing and/or vaccination for guests. And enjoy the holidays! Haunakka just ended, but there’s more on the agenda. Parades are happening all over. Enjoy the lights and decorations and Dickens of a Christmas. Go see (masked) Santa.  
That’s it! If I can help in any other way with information, resources, or someone to vent to, you know where to find me! 


Alex Watkins (she/her) 
Community Health Engagement Coordinator 
Roanoke City & Alleghany Health Districts  *email preferred* 
call or text : 540.589.6675