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School Board meeting honored successes

The School Board meeting at James River High School was a night of honoring successes.  The James River High School band had many honors during band competition season and played a tune for the School Board. In return, the school board chair, Anna Weddle handed out certificates of recognition. Many kudus to these students and their band leader, Kevin English.

The James River High School Math department had bows for their student performance even in an unusual year of the Covid Pandemic, James River finished 2nd overall in Math scores in the entire Commonwealth of Virginia secondary schools. In SOL overall scoring, James River finished 8th in the state.

BCPS employee of the Month was a food service worker in the Troutville Elementary cafeteria, Margarite Johnson.

Amy Wolford a Troutville Elementary based Reading Specialist received the Kiwanis Educator of the Year from Lynne Bolton. The prestigious award brings the honor of being listed on the symbolic school bell and a $500 check. Wolford is known for her dedication to literacy said Bolton. She is also dedicated to her students and is a positive person.

Four citizens criticized the school board as repeat performances from their speeches at prior school board meetings. Two of whom have been defeated at the polls by Botetourt voters in 2021. They left the meeting before the body of business the school board is supposed to do by state code began.

In other news, the Youth Risk Behavior Survey in Botetourt County is out. While alcohol use is coming down, the use is still higher than most areas. Grades 6,8, 10 and 12 were surveyed. The most alarming statistic in the report is the amount of students feeling depressed.  34.9% of Middle School students responded feeling depressed over a period of days while 40.9% of High School students felt the same.

The Budget process is beginning including Capitol Improvements. Some of the things mentioned completed this year is roof repair at Lord Botetourt, purchases of school buses and a new gate at the school bus garage on Poor Farm Road.

Two plaques in memory of Kathy Sullivan and Jack Leffel were approved by the board to be placed in James River High School. Both served on the school board during the time the school was renovated in 2008-09 said Lisa Taylor, principal. She worked with Michelle Austin to read letters of recommendation sent in support.

In other business the school calendar adjustments were approved. Virginia Western gave a detailed report on CCAP students from Botetourt that get free tuition. Over the years since 2013, CCAP students have volunteered for community service for well over 25,000 hours. It has been a successful program. There are 49 qualifying students from Botetourt County there this semester.

The floor was opened for the Esser III Plan to prepare for Back to School. The use of the federal money is to help every school division in the country prepare to the best ability to deal with Covid-19.

Bills payment,field trips, finances  and requests were also discussed,

–Cathy Benson