James River High School to honor Veterans at Nov. 5 Football game

On Friday, November 5, 2021, we invite all veterans, active duty, and reservists to attend our home football game vs. Radford. Past/present service members should show valid identification of their military or veteran status to receive free entry to the football game and a complimentary meal at the concession stand. Also, the first 200 veterans will receive an American Flag Lapel pin from our newest JRHS club, our “We Support our Military” Club. We ask that they please come through the athletic’s wing entrance (visitor’s side entrance gate) to receive these items.
Additionally, we would like to take a moment to recognize our Knight Nation Veterans before the start of the game. The game begins at 7 pm, and we will ask all veterans or service members that are able to please stand for recognition at approximately 6:55 pm before playing the National Anthem.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Athletic Director, Mr. Vincent Wyatt, at vwyatt@bcps.k12.va.us or (540) 254-1121.
Lisa Taylor, Ed.D, Principal, James River High School