Letter to Editor From Buchanan School Board Rep Austin in support of Jenny Wilson

Dear Editor,
With Election Day one week away, I want to provide a factual and realistic depiction of what School Board candidates should know before stepping into these shoes.
There have been several topics that have sparked community interest in our School Board meetings the past few months. The topics are important and I need to explain what is and what is not within the scope of local School Board authority. The Code of Virginia §22.1-79 explains the powers and duties of School Board members, to which we took an oath of office in the Botetourt County Circuit Courthouse. The first power and duty listed is to “See that the school laws are properly explained, enforced, and observed.” I never thought I would have to defend upholding the laws of the Commonwealth during my term. Placing my hand on the Bible and vowing to uphold the law is something that is sacred to me. All elected officials must honor his or her oath.
When a law is questioned or argued, there is a process by which to change the law, either legislatively or judicially. This is not a new concept but one that has somehow become forgotten during the health pandemic. I have spent hours writing elected officials in Richmond and sharing concerns from local citizens about laws and mandates they have questioned. While the citizens have shown frustration that our School Board cannot change or ignore the law, legislative advocacy is the correct process at the local level. I have spoken about my legislative efforts at the past few meetings, but unfortunately most vocal citizens have already left the meeting before hearing how I have advocated their concerns.
I want Buchanan’s next School Board representative to have the aptitude and knowledge to both honor the oath of office and to express the concerns of citizens in the correct manner. Therefore, it is incumbent on my heart that the Buchanan District, my beloved hometown, is well represented for the next four years. Without hesitation, I fully support Jenny Wilson’s candidacy for School Board. Jenny holds a Masters degree in physical therapy, opposes critical race theory in K-12 public education, understands fiscal stewardship, will uphold the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and will advocate for legislative action when needed.
Jenny Wilson put in the work months ago to have her name appear on the ballot because she has desired to serve on the School Board for many years. She has children in the school division which is always helpful in keeping a finger on the pulse of education. Jenny is entrenched in our community and spends numerous hours volunteering and helping Buchanan in meaningful ways during her personal time. She is level-headed, rationale, and will balance difficult decisions with compassion.
I want to thank the teachers, staff, bus drivers, aides, substitutes, nurses and everyone else in the school division for working so hard the past 19 months, even when they have felt underappreciated by some of the public. Finally, I want to thank the parents who have stepped up and had a more active role in their child’s education during the health pandemic. Parents have assisted with classwork, homework, and transportation and have had to remain flexible during quarantine situations. None of this has been easy. But, through it all, our students have persevered. Thanks to our teachers, parents, and grandparents, our students’ academic performance was commendable during the 2020-21 pandemic year. Out of 133 school divisions in Virginia, our BCPS students’ state ranking was 6th, 7th , and 8th in math, reading, and science, respectively. Yes, we ranked in the top 5-6% in the Commonwealth during the pandemic! I am proud of everyone who helped our students succeed academically.
Test scores are not everything. Mental health is also critical. In 2020-21, Botetourt County was the first school division in the area to return our students back to school four days a week for in-person instruction and the first division in the Roanoke area to allow our students to play sports. These steps certainly improved socialization and mental health. Other area school divisions followed the lead of our superintendent, Dr. Jonathan Russ. Our county is blessed to have him at the helm.
I encourage you to vote on or before November 2, 2021. And I specifically ask you to vote for Jenny Wilson to become my successor. Then, I covet your prayers and encouragement for the current and new School Board.
Michelle R. Austin
School Board Member
Buchanan District