Bank of Botetourt joins ABA in anti-phishing campaign

Bank ofBotetourt JoinsABA andBanks AcrossU.S. for#BanksNeverAskThat Anti-PhishingCampaign
America’s banks join forces in coordinated, industry-wide campaignto protect consumers during
National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Today Bank of Botetourt joins the American Bankers Association (ABA) and banks across the nation in a one-of-a-kind, industry-wide campaign to educate consumers about the persistent threat of phishing scams. The FTC estimates that consumers lost $3.3 billion to phishing schemes and other fraud in 2020, nearly double the losses in 2019. To combatphishing, the #BanksNeverAskThat campaign uses attention-grabbing humor and other engaging content to empowerconsumers to identify bogus bank communications asking for sensitive information like their passwords and social securitynumbers.
“Phishing attempts have become even more prevalent during the pandemic making it more important than ever that consumers learn how to spot a scam,” said Paul Benda, senior vice president, operation risk and cybersecurity at ABA. “With help from participating banks like Bank of Botetourt, we’re teaching consumers how to spot phishing red flags so they can stay one step ahead of the scammers.”
Bank of Botetourt, along with banks across the country and ABA, are kicking off the campaign on Oct. 1 to mark the beginning of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. ThroughoutOctober Bank of Botetourt will share eye-catching and engaging short videos, animated GIFs, and consumer tips on social media and in bank branches designed to highlight common phishing schemes. Because cybersecurity education and fraud awarenesscan oftenbe dull andforgettable to many consumers,the campaign isdesigned to be brightand boldwith abit ofhumor.
“We are pleased to partner with the ABA on this campaign to help bring awareness to our customers regarding the threatsof identity theft,” said G. Lyn Hayth, III, BoB President & CEO. “Protecting our customers and equipping them with theinformation tohelp protectthemselves is extremely important.”
The campaign’s short videos offer similarly ridiculous questions that banks would never ask and direct consumers for more information. At that website, consumers will find the #BanksNeverAskThat quiz, videos,phishing redflags, tips, and FAQs.
For more information about phishing scams and how to stop fraudsters in theirtracks,
Chartered in 1899, Bank of Botetourt operates thirteen retail offices in the Commonwealth of Virginia, with offices and ATMs located in the Cities of Roanoke, Salem, Lexington, and Buena Vista and throughout the Counties of Botetourt,Rockbridge, Roanoke,and Franklin.Bank ofBotetourt also operates a mortgage division,Virginia MountainMortgage and a financial services division, Botetourt Wealth Management. For more information, please
–Mary Ann Miller, Vice President, Business Banking and Community Relations