Courses available at Dabney S Lancaster CC this fall include variety of workforce classes

Dental Assistant Course Begins in October at DSLCC
Dabney S. Lancaster Community College has scheduled a 60-hour non-credit course, Dental Assistant, through its Workforce Solutions and Community Education division, on the DSLCC Clifton Forge campus this fall. A 40-hour clinical externship is offered upon successful completion of the course.
The class will meet on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 to 9:30 pm, October 4 through December 1, in Room 375, Scott Hall, on the DSLCC Clifton Forge campus.
This course is a preparation for an entry-level position. Students will become familiar with all areas of administrative and clinical dental assisting, especially as it relates to a dental practice. Topics include oral anatomy, dental equipment, tooth structure, as well as legal aspects of dentistry, and an introduction to a dental office. The tuition fee of $1,299 includes textbooks.
Students who successfully complete the course may be eligible to sit for two nationally recognized certification examinations: the Dental Assisting National Board Radiology Health and Safety Exam, and the National Workforce Career Association Dental Assisting Exam.
In addition to entry-level administrative jobs, this course is ideal for students interested in pursuing a future formal Dental Hygienist program.
For more information or to register, contact Robin Jennings at (540) 863-2899 or email Students may also register online at
New Diesel Mechanic Course Offered at DSLCC Rockbridge Center
A new Diesel Mechanic program, which will prepare students to inspect, repair and overhaul buses and trucks, as well as to maintain and repair diesel engines, is being offered at the Dabney S. Lancaster Community College Rockbridge Regional Center in Buena Vista this fall. Class will meet from 6 to 9:30 pm on Tuesday and Thursday, from September 14 to April 19, 2022. A previous article stated incorrectly that the course would be held on the Clifton Forge campus.
To register online, go to For more information about the course, contact DSLCC Workforce Coordinator Doug Jones at (540) 863-2870 or; or Robin Jennings at (540) 863-2899 or
Several Courses Still Open for Enrollment at DSLCC
Several courses offered by Dabney S. Lancaster Community College are starting later this fall and there is still time to enroll in them, according to Dr. Benjamin Worth, Vice President for Academic Affairs.
The following courses begin on September 13, all are either virtual or on the Clifton Forge campus: “Introduction to Communication” (CST 110); “College Composition” (ENG 111); “United State History 1” (HIS 121); “Intro to Digital Literacy and Computer Applications” (ITE 152); and “Ethics” (PHI 220). Also, “Principles of Psychology” (PSY 200) is being offered at the DSLCC Rockbridge Regional Center in Buena Vista.
Two virtual courses, “Quantitative Reasoning” (MTH 154) and “College Success Skills” (SDV 100) begin on October 18.
Also beginning the week of October 18 on the main campus in Clifton Forge are three in-person classes: “First Aid and CPR” (HLT 100) and two welding courses, “Gas Metal Arc Welding,” (WEL 160) and “Gas Metal Arc Welding/Tungsten Inert Gas” (WEL 164).
To register, contact DSLCC Student Services at (540) 863-2820 or email to make an appointment with an advisor.
Judy Clark, Public Relations Dabney S. Lancaster Community College