9/11 Events to be held in Buchanan on the 20th anniversary on Sept 10 and 11
Sept. 11 Events Scheduled in Buchanan Sept 10 and 11
Once again Buchanan will be recognizing the fallen of Sept. 11 first responders on this, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, a date that changed America when terrorists attacked, The World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania.
On Friday, Sept 10 a movie will be shown on an inflatable screen in the Buchanan Town Park. Beginning at 6 PM Hamburgers, Hotdogs and popcorn will be offered for sale. Bring a lawn chair and watch, “ World Trade Center” starring Nicholas Cage. The movie will begin at dusk.
On Saturday morning at 7:30 AM walkers will mass at the Buchanan Fire Dept for opening remarks from retired NYC firefighter Al Webber who lost many friends and fire fighter brethren on 9/11. “The walkers will then proceed to walk Main Street Buchanan, stopping at 8: 46 am for a moment of silence as that is when the first plane hit the North World Trade Center Tower,” said, Bill Price of Buchanan, who has organized the annual walks. He is a retired Veteran who was a firefighter for the US military and is now a volunteer in Buchanan.
At commencement of the walk at the time of the falling of the second tower at 10:28 AM. Walkers will return to the Town Park and the French Fry stand will be open for food purchases.
415 flags representing the 415 first responders lost in the World Trade Centers will be around the Town Park. “They are adoptable at $10 per flag. They have been ordered so far from all over the country,” Price mentioned. They can be picked up and paid for that day in the Town Park.

All proceeds go to a new non profit that will be putting wreaths on the graves of Veterans and first responders in Fair View cemetery in Buchanan during the holidays.
For More information contact Price through the Facebook Sirens and Salutes, Inc page via Messenger.