Lord Botetourt Band prepares season as tribute to Botetourt’s 250th anniversary celebration

” Where I call Home”
The Marching Cavaliers are performing a show scheduled last year but postponed by the Pandemic. They practiced grueling hours of 8 AM -6:30 PM for 10 days. The LBHS band practiced the routine hat requires musicality, timing , marching and a bit of dance as well and much of it in over 90 degree heat. They learned their drill and components of the show for the 2021 fall season no matter the weather. The show will also be performed at competitions.
Band Director Chris Caldwell sent the following description of the show this year.
Caldwell said,” A brief synopsis of our show this year as follows. Our show this year is titled “Where I Call Home”. The music was arranged by Craig Fitzpatrick of Morton, Illinois for the Lord Botetourt Marching Cavaliers. The show features music that will be familiar to our Friday Night audiences and Competition audiences. The first movement is based on the tune “Simple Gifts”. The second movement is based on the traditional tune “Oh Shenandoah” which is also the tune to Virginia’s traditional State Song “Our Great Virginia”. The third and final movement is based on a popular song by the artist Phillip Phillips titled “Home”.
“The show was created and designed by the director to be debuted in the fall of 2020 to pay tribute to the 250th Anniversary of Botetourt County. The show reflects on our area’s heritage and landscape. “
So all stars in allignment, the show will go on this year and from the looks and sounds of it, a mighty nice tribute it will be!
= Cathy Benson