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Amendment to Comprehensive Plan could mean a road under I-81 to funnel traffic onto Rt. 11 in Cloverdale

Fuzzy at best to detail where road might come in, but its the yellow line

An amendment to the Botetourt County Comprehensive Plan allows for a connector road from Tinker Mountain Road to US 11 at some future date. The Board of Supervisors approved the change at its July 27, 2021 meeting.

The proposed connector road could come into play when the Virginia Department of Transportation begins bridge replacements in the Exit 150 vicinity, County Zoning Administrator Drew Pearson told the Supervisors. The state is currently making plans for these changes.

The county’s Comprehensive Plan is the official land use map and the Planning Commission and Supervisors use the document to guide zoning and planning decisions that come before them.

The Gateway Crossing Area Plan was adopted in 2016 and promotes connectivity, Pearson said. Connectivity improves safety, reduces congestion, and increase travel efficiency for all modes of transportation. The Gateway Crossing Area Plan was adopted prior to consideration of I-81 improvements.

Pearson said the planned I-81 bridge replacement provides a critical opportunity to expand upon the planned bike/pedestrian connection from Tinker Mountain Road to US 11 so that it would include vehicle traffic as well.

The Supervisors unanimously approved the change.

Addendum. We asked VDOT spokesperson Jen K. Ward to give us a better idea of the map and where this road would be and here is her response:

“At this point, where the road alignment would be is not yet defined and more of a future planning tool. This map you sent me is actually a part of the County’s Comprehensive Plan and the road you are referring to that they voted on is just an indication that the county would support and like to see an extension of Tinker Mountain Road in the future under the interstate so that it would connect to Route 11. It would provide an alternate route from Route 11 to Route 220. There are no plans at this time of where it would actually be or how it would connect as more planning and review would need to happen. For now, it’s just a planning tool or idea that the county would like to see this happen and supports the concept. Nicole Pendleton at the county is another good contact on this.”

This RR track runs east to west. Eastward it travels under I-81 near the weighing scales and over the Trestle above Rt. 11 near Cloverdale. Likely any road built in that area would follow a similar track or maybe more north towrds Exit 150.

After a ride around Tinker Mountain Rd which ends at the Roanoke Gas Facility, the bridge and railroad track that run under the I-81 bridge were noted. On the eastside of I-81 the trestle and creek cross to Rt. 11 and are bounded by Gibson Rd and the Intersection of Updike Ln and Rt. 11. Pendleton is out of the office due to a death in her family, but we will follow up.

                                                                           — Anita Firebaugh and Cathy Benson, Special to The Botetourt Bee