Rocky Forge Wind Energy blows back at Botetourt County ruling

After Botetourt County Zoning Adminstrator Drew Pearson ruled against Rocky Forge pertaining to a Code of Virginia pandemic extension passed by the General Assembly this Spring, Rocky Forge responded to the action.–Editor
Botetourt County Refuses to Honor COVID-19 Zoning Extension
Botetourt County, VA – July 26, 2021 – On July 7, the Botetourt County Zoning Administrator
issued a letter to Rocky Forge Wind’s legal counsel indicating that the county does not intend to
follow the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 extension law, which became effective on March 1,
The legislation passed by the General Assembly extends “any deadline in the exception permit,
or in the local zoning that requires the landowner or developer to commence the Project or incur
significant expenses related to improvements for the Project within a certain time” until at least
July 2022. In the case of Rocky Forge Wind, this legislation extends the project’s deadline for
receiving site plan approvals into next year
“We are disappointed that the county has made this determination when Rocky Forge Wind so
clearly represents the kind of project the General Assembly intended to address with its COVID19 zoning extension legislation,” said Karlis Povisils, senior Vice president of development at
Apex Clean Energy. “Rocky Forge Wind has been in development for years, and throughout
that time, we have worked diligently with the supervisors and the community to bring this project
to fruition.”
On July 22, a request for reconsideration was submitted to the Botetourt County Zoning
Administrator on behalf of Rocky Forge Wind. The request highlights language from the
county’s Determination Letter that conflicts with state law.
Apex Clean Energy is committed to bringing Rocky Forge Wind and the benefits it will provide to
Botetourt County. This commitment is represented by years of work from the project team and
millions of dollars spent on project development. Considering the level of investment that has
been made to date into Rocky Forge Wind, if Botetourt County does not reconsider its
determination, Apex Clean Energy has no choice but to seek legal remedy through the Board of
Zoning Appeals.
–Submitted by Natasha Montegue, Apex Clean Energy