Courthouse renovations will be before Supervisors on June 22

Botetourt Courthouse Plan to be Considered by Supervisors June 22nd
June 14, 2021 (Botetourt County, VA) – The Botetourt County Board of Supervisors will consider a concept for a new Circuit Courthouse facility when it meets on June 22nd. The conceptual plan, developed by an advisory committee consisting of local officials and local history advocates, calls for building a new courthouse on the site of the existing Circuit Courthouse on Main Street in Fincastle, the County Seat. The plan includes a new courthouse “green” area for public use and gatherings, expanded parking, and relocating the Botetourt County Historical Society’s museum. It also includes relocating the Confederate Veterans’ Monument that currently stands beside the front steps to the current courthouse.
The County’s current courthouse was rebuilt in 1975 after being destroyed by fire. Over the course of its near 45-year lifespan, the building has become increasingly unsuitable for workers and visitors. The building does not meet current State courthouse standards or federal standards for persons with disabilities. A 2019 facility assessment conducted by Spectrum Design of Roanoke documented extensive problems including water leaks from the foundation, walls, and roofs, failing mechanical systems, and inadequate security. Growth in court caseloads and other services provided to the County’s growing population have resulted in severe overcrowding in the current courthouse.
The County hired Architectural Partners of Lynchburg and appointed an advisory committee to come up with a solution. Architectural Partner’s team included Ken Jandura of the Washington, D.C.-based DLR Group, a pre-eminent court facilities designer in the United States. The advisory committee included Circuit Court Judge Joel Branscom, Clerk of Circuit Court Tommy Moore, Commonwealth’s Attorney John Alexander, Fincastle Town Mayor Mary Bess Smith, Botetourt Board of Supervisors members Richard Bailey and Steve Clinton, Botetourt Historical Society representatives Weldon Martin and Ed Holt, and staff from the Sheriff’s Department and County Administration. Retired Circuit Court Judge Malfourd “Bo” Trumbo served as a consultant.
The proposed courthouse concept calls for a new facility that retains the appearance of the current courthouse. It duplicates the existing red brick façade with white-columned portico, the building’s green raised-seam metal roof, and its signature clock spire.
The estimated cost of the project is approximately $25 million. An independent financial analysis commissioned by the County indicates that the County can afford the new courthouse project without raising tax rates. The analysis was conducted by VACO/VML Finance of Richmond.
“The committee immediately had two goals for the courthouse,” said Architectural Partners Project Manager Jim Vernon. “Meet the long-term needs of the court system and retain the look of the current courthouse. The recommended concept meets both of those goals. It, also, represents the most efficient and cost-effective solution among numerous alternatives,” he added.
Another goal of the committee was to enhance the vitality of the Town of Fincastle. The courthouse green and generous parking are intended to support public gatherings and events in the heart of Fincastle, and to improve access to surrounding businesses. Relocating the museum building is another element that has generated much continuing discussion.
“Avoiding or minimizing impact on the Historical Society’s museum was important to the Committee,” noted Vernon. “Relocating the building ended up being the proposal, but that is not the only option.”
Historical Society, Town and County officials are continuing to explore options. Vernon confirmed that there remains some time to consider options before making a final decision on the museum, without delaying the Courthouse project.
The committee’s complete report and a report by Architectural Partners on the proposed new location for the Confederate Veterans’ Monument are available on the County’s website at Questions about the reports should be addressed to the County Administrator’s Office by calling (540) 928-2006 or emailing
Interested persons are encouraged to comment online at “”, by email or phone to the County Administrator’s office at the number above, or during the Citizen’s Comment portion of the Board of Supervisor’s meeting at 2:00 PM on June 22, 2021, in the Botetourt County Administration Center at 57 S. Center Drive, Daleville.
Those who do not wish to attend in person may listen to the meeting and/or speak during the citizen comment time or one of the public hearings by calling 1-929-205-6099 or 1-301-715-8592 and entering the meeting ID 813 0263 2305. An automated operator will answer the call and provide direction for commenting during the meeting. Comments will be limited to three minutes. The line will be open beginning at 1:55 p.m. the afternoon of the meeting. This option is only available during the course of the meeting.
–Submitted by Susan Fain Botetourt County Administrator’s Office