How to get an Electronic copy of your Covid-19 Vaccination record from the VDH

After receiving the information on getting an electronic copy of my Covid-19 vaccination, the Botetourt Bee editor decided to make sure the link and information were valid and easy before passing it along to the readers.
Click on the link below and follow the instructions.Today, 48 hours after submittal, I recieved a call from Anya Lanier, VDH rep in Richmond. It’s an 804 area code that I screened prior to answering (because I was suspect that once again my car was out of warranty.) Ms. Lanier identified herself ad why she was calling. I told her who I was and why I answered was to write a brief article. She was most helpful. After I answered her questions, she immediatley sent me my electronic record through a secure link on the email I registered on for a vaccination appointment.
Now if I lose my card again, ( yes I did, but found it again yesterday after 2 months,) launder it by mistake or toss it away with old papers, I won’t have to worry.
Here’s the link
Glad to say this is awesome and many thanks to the VDH.
–Cathy Benson, The Botetourt Bee