
County Graduation ceremonies will include special events for both the Classes of 2020 and 2021

Shool Board met tonight, April 15

Botetourt County Public Schools covered graduation at the April 15 regular board meeting hich includes events for the Class of 2020 and the graduating class of 2021.

The school Division plans a graduation ceremony for the Class of 020 to fulfill the promised event that was cancelled last year by the Covid 19 Pandemic. The event will be held at the Botetourt Sports Complex on June 2. Both High Schools will be invited class of 2020. Dr. Jonathan Russ said a Survey of Interest will be sent to the students of that Class. He believes it will be around 11:30 AM and that a lunch following event. It will also be the last teacher workday so the hope is there will be attendance from HS faculty and Mr. Talbott who retired from JRHS will be invited back.

It was announced by Dr. Russ that the Class of 2021 will have in person graduation. The amount of tickets per student is still to be determined but will follow the April 1, Executive order from the Governor. The School Division will provide more information in the near future.

Lord Botetourt High School, May 24, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Salem Civic Center

James River High School, May 25, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. at James River High School

 Rain Date for LBHS and JRHS is May 26, 2021. Time is TBD.

–Cathy Benson, story and photo