Will Smith announces he’s a candidate for Buchanan Supervisor

Will Smith Announces Candidacy for Botetourt County Board of Supervisors, Buchanan District
Will Smith is running for the Buchanan district seat on the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors. Will is a husband and father, lives in Springwood and has a small cattle farm. He graduated from James River in 1990 and has lived in the Buchanan area most of his life. He has worked at ESA Nightvision (formerly ITT) since 1999. Will is a Christian and is a member of Valley View Baptist Church.
When asked why he agreed to run for the seat, Will says, “For too long our representatives have ignored their oath of office, which is to the Constitution, not their party and certainly not to special interest groups. The Constitutions of Virginia and the United States were written to limit the civil government. I will never vote yes on anything that is unconstitutional or that steps outside of the supervisor’s proper place.”
Will believes that our taxes are too high and that Botetourt residents were led to believe that the development in the Daleville area would lead to a reduction of our tax bill. The development is ongoing, but taxes have yet to go down.
Mr. Smith sees our children at risk to the proposed “gender neutral” and transgender curriculum requirements that are currently taught in Northern Virginia public schools and being implemented through state legislation. Unless we proactively oppose this curriculum, it will surely be introduced in Botetourt schools. He also will stand against radical revisions of our history that are already being taught in counties in Virginia, like the 1619 Project and all forms of Critical Race Theory.
Will Smith vows to stand for all our God-given rights and to encourage all other elected representatives and civil servants to do the same. He is a lifetime member of Gun Owners of America as well as a member of VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League).
Will sees the Apex/Rocky Forge windmill project as an example of how Richmond meddles in local politics. This wasteful project is backed by Democrat Gov. Northam and despite many Botetourt resident objections, and arrogant and unprofessional displays by the contractor, the county is forging ahead with permission for construction of the windmills. While Apex delays and misses deadlines time and again, representatives on the board of supervisors ask questions yet do not push back despite citizens continuing to write protest letters and make protest speeches to the board month after month. He states, “I will represent my neighbors, friends, and family in the Buchanan district, not the politicians in Richmond. I will interpose on behalf of We the People. Our liberties are under attack and I am here to help restore them. If we do not recover our freedom, we will soon be in worse shape than when we seceded from England.”
Will asserts, “What this and all other elections come down to is: ‘What is the proper role of government?’ I believe in a small government that still understands its place as a servant to the citizens and not the other way around, and the best way to serve the citizens is to obey the Bible and the Virginia and US Constitutions.”
The primary will be held Saturday, May 1, 2021, at Buchanan Elementary School(255 Schoolhouse Rd., Buchanan, VA 24066), from 9:00 AM to 12:00PM.
Media Contact:
Will Smith, WillSmithforBuchanan@gmail.com