School Board passes FY 21-22 budget at 55.14 million dollars

Botetourt County School Board approved a $55, 146, 087 budget for Fiscal Year 21-22. The budget goes on to the Board of Supervisors who still have to decide to fund it. 85% of the budget is personnel. Most of that in instruction, for salaries for teachers and staff. The meeting took place at Central Academy Middle School Forum.
Director of Finance, Brandon Lee walked the board through the final budget numbers on power point, which can be accessed through (and on the school board agenda item click document to view)
Highlights include a pay raise and a step increase of 3% for teachers. The budget is 2.5 million more than last year but it appears the State of VA will cover 1.399 million of that with an increased ask of the county of 1.17 million dollars. Discrete funds self sustaining funds and Capital Improvement funds were also discussed.
There will be approximately 1.8 million dollars worth of Capital improvements (CIP) to the aging buildings. Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Russ said, “The Division will be paying for this. We are going to be playing catch up ball for awhile.” He also noted, “I want to go on record that we will come back to the board of Supervisers in the future for an ask for CIP.”
The school Division currently has 1.75 million dollars of CARES Act money to address Covid related issues plus b00,000 from the county in CARES Act money.
Another sidebar, Michelle Austin asked about the free lunche program. The answer? The USDA will continue to provide free lunch though Dec. 31, 2021.
Anna Leffel asked about the LBHS roof as a CIP projesct. The answer? The Lord Botetourt roof will be finished with the special roofing application using 2021 funds before June 30.
Then Chairman Anna Leffel opened the public hearing and no one spoke.
So very easily, the School Board approved the Budget.
–Cathy Benson,