New business approved for Nannies Market at 4919 Catawba Road

At the two Public Hearings at 6 p.m. on March 23rd, one for a text amendment to approve the location of a lumber and hardware business at the former Nannies Market at 4919 Catawba Road. It is located near the junction of Haymakertown Rd. The Board of Supervisors spoke to the issue of noise in the text ammendment since it is located near homes. Otherwise the green light by Yay votes, was given for the Text amendment. The second public hearing set the stage for a Special Exceptions Permit to operate a lumber and hardware busines by LLCs called Yelhas properties LLC, and Yehas Property LLC at the site.
The Board of Supervisors approved the Special Exceptions Permit. It is our understanding, Solar panels are the planned source of business at the location.
Cathy Benson, TheBotetourt Bee