Board of Supervisors meeting is Tuesday at 2 PM Greenfield

The Board of Supervisors will have a regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, March 23. You can find the Agenda at
Among the items:
Consideration of approval of School Capital Reserve Fund expenditures for roof repairs
and HVAC control system replacements. Staff update on the Apex Rocky Forge project. Consideration of resolution in support of improvements to I-81 in the area of Exit 168.
Approval of a revised Parks & Recreation Facility Use Agreement and updated fee. Public hearing to relocate the Blue Ridge precinct polling location in the Blue Ridge Magisterial District from the old Colonial Elementary School to
Colonial Baptist Church. Public hearing to relocate the Rainbow Forest precinct polling location in
the Blue Ridge Magisterial District from Rainbow Forest Baptist Church to
the new Colonial Elementary School. Public comment on the movement of the Confederate Monument in front of the Courthouse.
Other Items:
- Committee reports:
o Emergency Communications Committee
o Circuit Courthouse Study Committee
–Cathy Benson