School Board meeting held some surprises

The Botetourt County School Board contained a few surprises. First and foremost Michells Austin announced she would not seek another term on the school board. Austin who has been chairman of the board said her day job has grown significantly in the past year and her person life in 2020 had been stressful. She hopes a suitable candidate will come forward and be elected to the seat.
Read Mountain Middle School cafeteria has been selected as one of six in the stste for the State School Nutrition Breakfast Club Award. Sandra Kenwood the overall head of School Nutrition came to RMMS this past week. The Breakfast program not only provides on site meals and remote learner meals but they supply 50 meals per day to a local daycare.
!2 month employees were gifted 4 days during Spring break for their dilgence over the past year during the Covid Shutdown and re-opening. Dr. Jonathan Russ the School Superintendent said, “I want to Thank You for all of your hardwork and dedication of what has been a difficult year.
School board members will now becovered on the State’s Workers Compensation plan.
T mobile has presented BCPS with a one time payment of $154, 500 which the Board Voted to aske the Board of Supervisors to hold in a self sustaining fund to be used for 12 years of CCap Funding.
The Virtual Academy has 191 appilcants but is running behind schedule. Because the numbers of participation are not there, a third party iinstruction company will be selected for elementary school learners. There 191interested students have made contact with the program, with just 40 of them in the elementary level. The new dates for interviewing the third party providers is set for next week and hopefully by the end of March all aprticipants will be interviewd. The date for signed commitments to the program is April 2.
The School Board continues to formualte the budgeget for 21-22. Right now, if the county approves it, The state will give about, 900,000 towards a 5% raise for teachers. The state money is a one time, must take offer or it will be left on the table. Accordigly there is CARES Act money expected and all total the current preliminary budget is over 62 million. It is based on an enrollment of 4313 students and at a composit index of .3975. The Governor is expected to sign the Conference Budget. Self sustaining funds and Capitol Improvemets also are included in the Budget process. The additional ask to the Board of Supervisors looks like it will be, $1,341,457.
–Cathy Benson, The Botetourt Bee