Michelle Austin’s official press release on not seeking re-election to the school board

At the March 11, 2021 meeting of the Botetourt County School Board,
Michelle R. Austin (formerly Michelle A. Crook), Buchanan District,
announced that she will not be seeking re-election when her term
expires at the end of the year. Austin was appointed to the School
Board in 2016 to finish the final year of the late Kathy Graham
Sullivan’s term. “It was an honor to be appointed for Kathy’s final
year. I considered her a friend and I wanted to emulate her passion for
students while bringing my own contributions to the board while
serving the hometown that I love.” Austin was then elected in 2017 for
a 4 year term.
“I’ve learned a tremendous amount about public education over the
past several years. And, I have also learned that public servanthood is
demanding.” Austin could not have predicted navigating a school
division in the midst of a health pandemic when she took her oath of
office. “Obviously, the past 12 months have not been what I was
expecting in this role, but it was the circumstances in which I had to
step up and face. The pandemic has demanded a tremendous amount
of personal time for all of the decisions that came our way.” In
addition, in the past 12 months the School Board hired its current
superintendent, Dr. Jonathon Russ.
Leading a school division is not Austin’s only time demand. As an
executive at Bank of Botetourt, she witnessed the bank grow $100
million in total assets during the COVID-19 pandemic. “My role has
intensified as result” Austin said, speaking of her duties as chief
financial officer.
In addition, unexpected changes in her personal life made the past 12
months even more challenging. “Despite some unexpected personal
changes, I am blessed in many ways.” Austin goes on to say that “One
huge blessing in the middle of the pandemic and personally
challenging year is the opportunity to work with the existing school
board members of Anna Weddle, Dana McCaleb, Tim Davidick, and Matt East. I feel like I now have a lifetime bond with those four
Austin admits that one term is not long enough to leave the kind of
mark she anticipated when she ran in 2017, but she was happy to help
as many families and educators as she could. “My constituents from
the Buchanan district have been nothing but respectful, kind, and
supportive during very unprecedented times. Like other school
divisions, we could not make everyone happy with the hard decisions
we faced. However, residents from the Buchanan District were always
professional and polite in our interactions.” Austin will continue on
the School Board until her term expires December 31, 2021
–submitted by Michelle Austin