Board of Supervisors reorganized at January meeting

Valley District Representative Dr. Donald “Mac” Scothorn, was nominated Board Chairman at the January 26 meeting of the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors.
Scothorn , who has served on the Board for eight years, took over the gavel from Blue Ridge District Supervisor Billy Martin, who had served as chair for the last two years. Scothorn also will serve as the county’s representative with the Roanoke Regional Partnership.
Fincastle District Supervisor Dr. Richard Bailey, who is in his first full term as supervisor, was named vice chairman. Bailey also will serve as the ex officio member on the Economic Development Authority meetings and was appointed to the Agricultural Projects Committee, along with new Board member Amy S. White.
White, who serves the Buchanan District, took over the seat from Ray Sloan, who resigned in December. She also will serve with Martin on the county’s Fire and EMS Committee. Additionally, she was appointed to the Transportation Safety Committee.
Martin was appointed to serve on the county’s Social Service Board and will act as the ex officio member of the county’s Planning Commission. He also will serve as the county’s representative with TAP and on the Roanoke Valley Alleghany Regional Commission (RVARC) Transportation Planning Policy Board. He and White will serve as the county’s ex officio members with the county School Board, as well.
Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton will serve on the county’s Parks and Recreation Committee, act as ex officio member of the Library Board of Trustees, work with the RVARC. Additionally, Clinton was named to the Historic Greenfield Committee.
Bailey and Clinton will make up the county’s budget committee, with Scothorn acting as an alternate. The county’s budget process for fiscal year 2021-2022 is in its early stages.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee