
Rocky Forge Wind Farm is not being prompt with paper work BOS learns

windmill project in Eagle Rock is not exactly off schedule, but paperwork isn’t being presented in a timely manner, either, the Board of Supervisors learned at its October 27, 2020 meeting.

County Planner Nichole Pendleton told the Supervisors that Apex intended to submit paperwork in early November for subdivision and site plan applications. She also noted that the road work necessary to access the site would be extensive and required additional paperwork.

Amsterdam District Supervisor Steve Clinton said he was concerned about the slow response of Apex and the Rocky Forge Project. He cited a May 26, 2021 deadline and said that, “if they keep missing dates and fail to keep up with expected progress, as that date gets closer it puts more pressure on us (the Board of Supervisors). We don’t want to be pressured into approval because the paperwork is later than expected.”

He asked the planning and zoning office to put pressure on Apex to be “more diligent” in paperwork submittals. He also asked for regular updates to the Board of Supervisors on the project.

“A project that starts poorly tends to end poorly,” he said, noting he did not want that to be the result of Virginia’s first windmill project.

           — Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee, Photo from rocky Forge Wind Energy site
