
“Antonius: Soldier of Fate,” released today by local author

Looking for a completed trilogy to read by the fireside? There’s no waiting to finish the series! “Antonius: Soldier of Fate,” has been released! Local Author Brook Allen (AKA Margaret Courtney a local music educator) has a passion for ancient history–especially 1st century BC Rome. Her current work is a trilogy on the life of Marcus Antonius–Marc Antony, which she has worked on for the past fourteen years. The first installment, Antonius: Son of Rome was published in March 2019. It follows Antony as a young man, from the age of eleven, when his father died in disgrace, until he’s twenty-seven and finally meets Cleopatra for the first time. Book two, Antonius: Second in Command, published the fall of 2019 which details the time of Julius Caesar.  The final installment has been released today, Oct. 16 “ Antonius: Soldier of Fate” the end book of the trilogy.

In researching the Antonius Trilogy, Allen’s travels have led her to Italy, Egypt, Greece, and even Turkey to explore the places where Antony once lived, fought, and eventually, died. While researching abroad, she consulted with scholars and archaeologists well-versed in Hellenistic and Roman history, specifically pinpointing the late Republican Period in Rome. Brook belongs to the Historical Novel Society and attends conferences as often as possible to study craft and meet fellow authors. Though she graduated from Asbury University with a B.A. in Music Education, Brook has always loved writing. She completed a Masters program at Hollins University with an emphasis in Ancient Roman studies, which helped prepare her for authoring her present works.

The author teaches full-time as a Music Educator at Greenfield Elementary School.  Her personal interests include travel, cycling, hiking in the woods, reading, and spending downtime with her husband and two amazing Labrador Retrievers.

The book can be purchased in a print copy for $17.95 or in an e readers for $4.95, online at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and from Brook Allen’s website.

Cathy Benson, The Botetourt Bee with Brook Allen