Broadband CARES Expenditures with CBEC, EDA and others for Botetourt

Botetourt County is spending nearly half of the CARES money on broadband initiatives. The recent pandemic and accompanying stay-at-home orders have shown that internet access is vital to the economy and to the health and welfare of citizens.
The county will send $786,282 to the Botetourt Economic Development Authority (EDA) for the extension of additional broadband infrastructure via Craig-Botetourt Electric Cooperative (CBEC).
This funding will be used for CBEC’s Phase 2 project to extend their ongoing broadband efforts by an estimated 8 miles and 72 homes. Additionally, the project will build the internet backbone necessary to support an additional 600-plus homes in the CBEC service area in northern Botetourt County.
The supervisors approved an additional allocation of $1.342 million to the Roanoke Valley Broadband Authority (RVBA). These funds will be used to expand broadband from the Greenfield Data Center to a portion of Etzler and Blacksburg Roads, with an eventual connection with CBEC’s broadband expansion projects.
This portion of the broadband initiative will extend 6 miles and pass approximately 154 home addresses. Additionally, the project will build the internet backbone necessary to support an additional 400-plus homes in the immediate service area along the route.
In another portion of the broadband initiative, the supervisors agreed to provide $78,000 to suppose the Blue Ridge Tower for the purpose of deploying wireless broadband on a tower located at Interstate 81 Exit 162 and to provide wireless internet services to a tower located in Blue Ridge Park. — Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee, file photo BOS