Wednesdays to remain Virtual days through the end of BCPS first semester

On wednesday, Sept. 23rd at aspecial meeting, Botetourt County School Board approved keeping Wednesdays virtual rather than starting again with an every other Wednesday return to class for A and B days.
Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Russ stated the amount of work on the teachers in prepping for the fall was part of the reason to keep Wednesday virtual. School Board Chairman Michelle Crook noted that they had a work in progress with the return to school. She noted all emails. petitions and information through Facebook had been read by the board. She said, We are learningas we g. We ask for patience and kindness during this time.”
Dr. Russ also noted the Custodial staff has been using Wednesday for deeo cleaning. He commended the custodial staff as well for the good job they are doing. The board approved the change to remain virtual on Wednesday.
The Board also approved a nine days window through Oct. 2for 100% virtual leaners who want to return to in person attendance on the second nine weeks as there are a number of requests. The issues are for school bus scheduling and class size. The school building administrator will handle the return to class. Previously virtual students could only return at beginning of second semester in January.
Inclement weather gayscould be virtual learning days with lesson plans in place was discussed by the board . No action was taken.
A new platform to broadcast school board live meetings was discussed. Crook said, “Facebook live has allowed us to conduct meeting within the constraints of Covid-19 meeting protocol. Sound has been a problem on the platform. “Better cameras.” said Beth Allen for next school board meeting a link will go to a separate website to access it from the Facebook page. It will have additional Camera up front and planned better sound, Will be a live stream progrm Allen noted..
— Cathy Benson the Botetourt Bee