CARES Act money for Farms available through the county

Community Eligible for Local CARES relief
Botetourt County farmers and other agriculture producers can apply to the county for relief under the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
The county received funding from the federal government to distribute to local businesses and for other uses, such as school assistance ($326,444) and broadband enhancement deemed necessary because of the pandemic.
The county previously approved a distribution to small businesses, but had defined businesses as one that required a county business license. Farms operations do not require a business license under the Code of the Virginia and county ordinances.
The Board of Supervisors on August 25, 2020, approved the allocation of $200,000 to be used to cover losses by the county’s approximately 550 farms. According to information provided to the Board, approximately 150 of the county’s agricultural businesses has applied for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) relief via the Corona Virus Food Assistance Program.
The funding will assist the county’s farm operations with losses not already covered by the FSA’s grant program. Grant applications will be accepted online only during the month of September 2020. The web address and online application form still must be developed and will be announced prior to the first of the month.
Farm operations that have qualified for the FSA grant can apply online to the county for additional grant funding by submitting a copy of the FSA’s grant deposit confirmation or a copy of the approved FSA grant application. The dollar amount of the deposit confirmation document does not need to be shared with the county.
To qualify, the farm operation must be based primarily in Botetourt County and the amount of farm losses through September 2020 must not be covered entirely by the FSA grant.
Additionally, the farm operation must be in compliance with all county ordinances.
Grants are not expected to exceed $5,000 per farm operation. The grant funding would be disbursed before December 30, 2020.
Questions regarding the Botetourt County COVID-19 Farm Operation Grant Program should be
directed to the Department of Economic Development by emailing or by calling 540-928-2140.
— Anita Firebaugh, Special to The Botetourt Bee