VDH RoanokeCity-Alleghany District information

• 2,106 COVID-19 cases in the Roanoke City and Alleghany Health Districts
• 223 are currently active (74 are new in the past 24 hours)
• Alleghany County: 58
• Botetourt County: 195
• Covington: 17
• Craig: 19
• Roanoke City: 1,122
• Roanoke County: 549
• Salem: 109
• Unknown locality: 22
• 31 COVID-19 related deaths
• 18 people currently hospitalized
• The Health District is currently working on 7 outbreaksYou can hear more about the latest situational update in Dr. O’Dell’s weekly press briefing:https://www.facebook.com/wfxrnews/videos/615717916040183/Please note that Dr. O’Dell has removed the recommendation for individuals to quarantine upon returning from Myrtle Beach. We do still recommend taking all the same safety precautions on vacation as you do at home – wearing a cloth face covering, practice social distancing, practice handwashing/use hand sanitizer, and remember that you are safer at home.
I’ve Got you Covered: COVID-19 Guidance for BusinessesMany thanks to the region’s chambers and other organizations who partnered with us to host a training last week. A recording of the training is available here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=3606567979372316And the presentation is attached.
- Please see info below from the Roanoke Regional Chamber that has provided guidance on the DOLI Emergency Regulations:
- Please read the “Nine Steps to Achieve Compliance“ document released by DOLI to learn how to assess your workplace. Additional FAQs, powerpoints, and training templates can be found at the DOLI website or by clicking here.
- The Virginia Chamber of Commerce recently hosted Safety and Health Codes Board member Courtney Malveaux for a webinar to discuss the emergency temporary standard. Here you can view a recording of that presentation.
Back to School and Immunizations
While we are busy preparing our students to return to school, please remind families that immunizations are required for returning to school (in person AND virtual). The health departments, Bradley Free Clinic, and New Horizons are all offering no-cost opportunities to get back to school vaccines. Please call us to schedule an appointment or find out about drive through clinics.
—Kristin Adkins, VDH RCAHD