JRHS announces schedule pick-up times for Freshmen and upper classmen

James River High School Freshmen will have an opportunity to pick up their schedules and have a class schedule tour by a River Guide on Thursday, August 13, 2020. Times are determined by the student’s last name:
12 pm – Last names A – D
1 pm – Last names E – L
2 pm – Last names M – R
3 pm- Last names S – Z
Packets will include class schedule, bus route access information, PowerSchool Back-to-School Registration directions, suggested supply list, and more. For social distancing practices, please plan to come to the school during the designated time based on your student’s last name. For the safety of our students and staff, there will be limits for the number of families allowed inside the school at one time and temperatures will be taken at the door before entry. Please bring your face-covering/mask. Each person in your party will be asked to wear a face-covering while in the building.
There will be an opportunity for upperclassman to “drive-thru” to pick-up their schedule and make a parking spot selection on Tuesday, August 18, 2020. Times are determined by the student’s grade:
12 -1 pm – Seniors
1 – 2 pm – Juniors
2 – 3 pm – Sophomores
Please enter the main JRHS parking lot from Springwood Road and exit onto Route 43.
Back to school packets contain class schedules, bus route access information, PowerSchool Back-to-School Registration directions, dual enrollment information, the suggested supply list, and more.
–Submitted by Dr. Lisa Taylor, JRHS